a gritty mystery anime about an awkward middle-aged walrus, set in tokyo. i feel like no one talks about this one but the characters are super fascinating and it rewards paying attention to the details! 13 episodes btw.
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Jan 28, 2024

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i recently came across this show while researching some quotes for a close friend's birthday card. she's a huge vampire weekend fan, so i was doing a deep deep dive into ezra koenig and stumbled upon this show from 2018 that was apparently widely criticized at the time (save for a small but loyal fanbase), and never made it past the first season (plus a holiday special). the song that i ended up finding for her birthday card was from the show [friend like u] and, after listening to it, decided i had to watch the show. and MY GOD. the show was so ahead of its time. it is hilarious and the world building is genuinely interesting - i ended the season wanting to know more about the rules of this world, its history, and genuinely wishing that there was more to watch. the last episode set it up for a whole run of seasons that we sadly never get to see. not to mention a suprisingly star-studded cast - jaden smith does do an ... interesting job voice acting, but imo it just adds to the charm. i am so disappointed that the show originally fell on unappreciative ears :( it would do NUMBERS had it been released more recently. anyway TLDR, if you're looking for a fun and silly anime that will suck you in and give you a great time for a day or two, neo yokio is the one for you.
Jan 17, 2025

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