im literally obsessed w the frozen isle especially premade meals. they save so much time and money, they are always available as long as u keep them in the freezer, and many times are very delicious (i shop at trader joes so i can recommend specific ones if anyone is interested). btw frozen food retains all its nutrients so its just as good for u as fresh!! so there is simply no losing here : )
can’t be worried about produce going bad if you only by frozen spinach. goated if you live alone and so incredible to make a satiating meal in three seconds if you have little dumplings or my favorite jamaican curry pattys. if you find the right products it’s also super economical (not you, 5 for $30 items from the traders joes industrial complex). quality frozen food will never earn a bad rep from me <3
I know this gets recommended all the time on reels and stuff but seriously, if you haven’t got around to trying it, it’s a total game changer. Plus it stops your tofu from going off in the fridge!
i have my dream job, live in my dream city, love my friends, love my wardrobe, love my apartment... sometimes the bliss hits me all at once. i have so much to be grateful for!! :'3
i am so obsessed with the prehistoric world and the art made during that time! so deeply moving and inspiring to me, i feel the magnitude of these works with my whole heart