Bc it’s cold and I have an immersion blender now. link included to this week’s soup
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Jan 28, 2024

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make it on sunday. eat it for the week. every goddamn day it just gets richer and better. making soup is one of the sexiest things you can do
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Top Recs from @catie_baaaby

recently been feeling the fight or flight instinct kick in as i near the end of grad school, turning 26, losing the parents' health insurance, the end of my internship, the impending post-grad school career search, and the end of my lease and having to move - all of which are happening during august. in times like these where i find myself on the precipice of a new stage of life, i find that i either A.) can't wait to begin the next stage and i'm restless and impatient to get the current stage over with, B.) dread the end of the current stage that i've grown comfortable with and stress about needing to plan and structure out what's next to feel more prepared, or C. ) both. to keep from getting overwhelmed, the motto i always return to is "swim to the wall." i'm not a swimmer, but from what i know about the sport you can't finish the lap you're on until you hit the wall, push off, and get going in a new direction. basically, it's a reminder to see through what you've been working on until the end, give your best effort even though - and maybe especially because - you're almost done, and then build momentum and give yourself the best launch into the next lap. maybe you can't see what lies ahead in the next lap because you were so focused on keeping pace that you forgot you would need to swim in another direction at some point, but you gotta keep swimming. staying in one place and treading water can become exhausting if you haven't reached your resting point, and it will make it harder to change direction once you lose momentum. you need to keep chuggin, get to the end, then push off as hard as you can. you gotta swim to the wall.
Jun 26, 2024