https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTwvutEkT_s A beautiful vocal (Ce Ce Rogers' Someday, 1987) paired with what was already a fun and super timely disco track (Cloud One's Happy Music, 1978). Instead of just using the sample in Happy Music on its own, Duke went through the trouble of mimicking the original's sliding synth and making his own beautiful progression that runs almost the entire length of the track, and shows great respect for its source material.
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Jan 29, 2024

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb-gpqei7lA It's a perfectly serviceable house track at the start, it's got that classic little bongo pattern backing it, the keys are pleasant, the bass is well-mixed, whatever. You've already heard every instrument in the track by the time the breakdown has kicked in. But something funny happens in the drop that elevates the track. It's like my favourite house track ever for this ONE THING: the vocal refrain, "don't stop, you're moving me" is slightly rearranged. And that's all it takes! My life clicks into place and I start violently jumping around. Damien and Olivier Sellier made the original track as United Friends of Funk, and Damien made the remix as Hyde Park Corner for VOX records, which was a side-label to the Vertigo dance music label. VOX is full of nice house tracks, and I highly recommend Damien's other records for the label under the pseudonym "Damiao Da Silva" for his two "Brazilian Studizel" releases. The Selliers would then go on to form the label Dynamic Recordings a few years later, which is also worth checking out.
Jan 27, 2024

Top Recs from @dumbitry

kind of better than the movie itself lol
Jan 29, 2024
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https://youtu.be/wBegMk2tZpY Nobody likes it when a DJ messes up what the beginning of a bar is on a track during a transition: everybody gets confused and doesn't know which beat to follow. Ironically, everyone loves when a track makes room for this to happen on purpose, just like this one does. The vocal goes on and on and on without a beat, and by the time you think you know what you're grooving to, you're taken for a ride when the rest of the arrangement kicks in. I also have a soft spot for jangly filtered guitars and that compressed, plugged-nose sounding bass tone. For more of that disorienting feeling, also try Daft Punk - Prime Time of Your Life (Para One Remix).
Jan 30, 2024
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb-gpqei7lA It's a perfectly serviceable house track at the start, it's got that classic little bongo pattern backing it, the keys are pleasant, the bass is well-mixed, whatever. You've already heard every instrument in the track by the time the breakdown has kicked in. But something funny happens in the drop that elevates the track. It's like my favourite house track ever for this ONE THING: the vocal refrain, "don't stop, you're moving me" is slightly rearranged. And that's all it takes! My life clicks into place and I start violently jumping around. Damien and Olivier Sellier made the original track as United Friends of Funk, and Damien made the remix as Hyde Park Corner for VOX records, which was a side-label to the Vertigo dance music label. VOX is full of nice house tracks, and I highly recommend Damien's other records for the label under the pseudonym "Damiao Da Silva" for his two "Brazilian Studizel" releases. The Selliers would then go on to form the label Dynamic Recordings a few years later, which is also worth checking out.
Jan 27, 2024