I think this is genuinely the best arranged track of all time. Insane horn parts. One of the best basslines of all time. Some of the best drumming you’ve ever heard. Stevie Wonder harmonica solo. Dizzy Gillespie trumpet solo. Extended outro where he individually shouts out the session musicians on the track and they each have time to shine. Stevie Wonder is hyped out of his mind for the entire duration and seems so authentically excited about his song. It’s ten and half minutes long and I wish it was double that.
A very specific obsession. An unmistakable sound; nobody else plays like Stevie, which is why he shows up on so many other artists’ songs.
Probably out of sync with most people's mental lists but here’s my top five:
1. Chaka Khan "I Feel For You"
2. “Boogie On Reggae Woman”
3. Eurythmics "There Must Be An Angel"
4. "Isn't She Lovely"
5. "That Girl" (there's a drop in the solo that's THE sampled hook for the 2Pac track “So Many Tears”)
My favorite pair is ten inches larger than my waist size and has a hammer holster, a tiny pocket that is the perfect size for my iPod nano, and four other normal-ish pockets for maximal storage possibilities.