Commonplace books, pocket notebooks, etc. Recently cataloged the list of plants I saw on my walk, card games I want to learn, and project ideas for the year.
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Jan 29, 2024

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I gave up social media for Lent and got annoyed whenever I had to reactivate the first few weeks because I wanted to copy out a recipe, the name of a painting I forgot, a book a friend had suggested, etc. When I was on the bus a few weeks later, I reread Elisa Gabbert’s essay “Notes on Keeping a Notebook,” which outlines her own experiences with a commonplace book / the utility and beauty of writing down small details. I started using a little goatskin-bound one I bought online a few years ago and haven’t looked back since. I never leave the house without it and spend more time leafing through that than checking for texts when I’m out & about now.
Mar 21, 2024
I do not have it together enough to do the regimented bullet journal thing nor am I equipped with a workshop of washi tape colors and stationary stickers for those beautiful journals that are more like scrapbooks than notes. What I am capable of is word vomiting directly into a random and unattractive notebook every passing thought, borrowed scrap of inspiration, or theoretical weekly exercise routine I am experimenting with. I think this lowbrow mess is the most rewarding type of journaling beyond doing it for an actual therapeutic purpose. When a bunch of librarians I work with told me this genre of journal has a name and a history going back to the Renaissance I was delighted. My common place books are ugly and valid!!
Apr 1, 2024
when you walk around try to pay attention to your surroundings and take notes of what you see on a specific notebook. For example yesterday I saw: a spider eating a bug, a tiny black and white bird on the sidewalk, a hawk flying, a yellow flower I’ve never seen before, a red poppy, a woman with bright cherry hair, and a shoe-shaped cloud. It’s good exercise for the writers out there
May 22, 2024

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