i miss shooting film so much )-: my camera stopped advancing mid summer and i picked up my mom's digital point and shoot out of convenience. it's fun but i miss anxiously waiting for my photo scans and hearing the tension of the dial as i physically turn it. over break i will revive my camera and eternalize my friends on porta 800 again
film attached : cherry blossoms sometime in spring of this year
Me and my mom found it when cleaning the apartment and decided to repair it.
I'm so excited to start using it again, and I do love the name Nikon coolpix. Yeah, I'll take some cool pics thanks.
I love holding cameras and pushing the button that takes the picture. They can be expensive but cheap crappy ones are also really fun. Obviously you can just take photos on your phone BUT when you take photos with a real camera it feels like you are holding a gun and shooting it. You can aim at anything or anyone and just shoot it like a gun all day and it’s not a problem. Unfortunately many of the people who really like and care about cameras are disgusting.