His stuff proves that people were just as weary/traumatized a hundred years ago as we are now. And, that there is definitely an antidote. It might get worse before it gets better (rec-in-rec to read his "Fear and Misery...".) But, he really believes that personal growth up and out of despair starts with evaluating how media affects our perception of the world. I'm really into Bert. An earnest guy that gives me hope.
Jan 30, 2024

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Been thinking a lot of this Beuys piece and works from artists created during the span of the vietnam war and the civil rights movement. The optimism that if only there were enough dialogue created with their pieces, you could galvanize individuals to organize and together enact change. Iโ€™m wondering if Beuys were alive today would he still hold onto that same sliver of hope? (Joseph Beuys, I Like America and America Likes Me)
Jan 23, 2025
Firs tthing- walter Ben-ya-meen. If u bring him up in conversation and say ben ja min ur gonna look like an idiot apparently. But its funny bc its not like people say Valter Benyameen. They say walter. Go figure. Anyways this text is So Great. im definitely late to the game to this contexts of frankfurt dialectics, post war philosophy manifestos, yada yada but this one is so powerful and formative esp if ur an artist or visual creator that is Woke. Its one of his more accessible writings, and he is also a very important person to kno if u r even remotely into literature/philosophie/art/design/criticism etc. Benyameen talks about this loss/absence of human experience post war/industrual revolution whcih i think is rlly the root of all this floptok based retard gang xiaohongshu on the extreme side, but even at its most tame (yet this is more insidious/barbaric in the bad way as Benyameen puts it) all of these miu miu shoe unboxing, day in the life of a big city transplant, clean consumerism we are witness to online. It is rlly this central idea of experience that hit home for me, and the resulting idea of barbarism which fr opened my third eye and put words to the feelings of trying to contextualize our days of Today. Im also totally going to start using the word barbarian to describe creatives and intellectuals and world leaders haha. Be the Good Barbarian. dm me if u want my annotated copy i culd keep going but arent these meant to be kept short idk<3
Jan 20, 2024
"The more money an American accumulates, the less interesting he becomes." โ€œI'm not a conspiracy theorist - I'm a conspiracy analyst.โ€ โ€œOne is sorry one could not have taken both branches of the road. But we were not allotted multiple selves.โ€ โ€œThe unfed mind devours itself.โ€ โ€œUntil very recently, the artist was a magician who did his magic in public view but kept himself and his effects a matter of mystery.โ€ โ€œYes. With us the ability to detect mediocrity or anything else is rare. Evaluation descends, through ignorance, to mere opinion, and opinion is a matter of fashion. And fashion is based on middle-class, middlebrow values, despite the mock defiance of an occasional licensed fool, like Vonnegut.โ€ โ€œSelf-education is the point of education. But it is easier if you have escaped the stifling of the academy.โ€ โ€œThe critic must know more than either writer or academic. He must also value experience and have a truth-telling nature. I think I have that. In their youth most people worry whether or not other people will like them. Not me. I had the choice of going under or surviving, and I survived by understanding (after the iron - if not the silver โ€” had entered my soul) that it is I who am keeping score. What matters is what I think, not what others think of me; and I am willing to say what I think. That is the critical temperament.โ€ "You can improve your talent, but your talent is a given, a mysterious constant. You must make it the best of its kind." โ€” Gore Vidal, my toxic opinionated egocentric guiding light in this sick sad world (quotes which are not broadly inspirational but are inspirational to me to be my best most audacious evil hater self)
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Top Recs from @daphne

My friend and I happened upon this. Meaning, strive to live your life in a way that makes you feel hot. Dress to feel hot. Talk to feel hot. Do whatever you do, but in a way that makes you feel like you're worthy of the love and adoration and crushes and desire you deserve. This does not mean "sexy" necessarily--hotness is always shifting and has many forms. But reach deep inside and you'll find that your own personal method and mode of hotness can always, and most of the time is, an excellent guide.
Jun 8, 2024
tough but worth it
Feb 25, 2025
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Kind of a genre of medieval paintings, but confirms to me how horny people have always been and how we've always had to sublimate our desires into the dominant culture. It's so weirdly explicit and bizarre, and has so many layers in how it would have been used: a painting to look at, a page in a prayer book to speak as a script, a physical object to touch and venerate and meditate with.... like imagine people fingering this "wound" and being like, yes this is honestly totally about jesus. Crazy.
Aug 2, 2024