Save money on haircuts? Check. Never have to try to style your shitty thin wispy jerk hair again? Check. Another fun clothing item to collect? Check.
Jan 30, 2024

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Practical and fashionable
Apr 22, 2024
It started when I got self-conscious about my thinning mop, but now it’s a ‘thing’ and I like it. Generally I wear a striped Breton (gnome-y) beanie, but I have a collection of cowboy hats I’ve picked up in Texas on road trips over the years that I’ll wear to the beach. I hate suncream so it’s good to keep the face in the shade. I bought my godchildren baby-sized striped beanies so we can match.
It started with regular hats that others passed on - bucket hats, baseball caps from family, then I started buying hats - like sunhats, wider brim wool types, even a fedora inspired one, and when I picked up knitting, I made more hats... Besides the standard types, people have gifted a fez, a traditional chullo and a beautifully embroidered Arequipa hat. I bought a hat here and there too, so it's getting to be a sizeable collection. But there are so many hats I still want to try! I want to get the Blockbuster beanie, a mariner's or sailor's hat, a OOO baseball cap from hoho coco, the Madhalla, that massive floppy sunhat (but I need more wardrobe or wallspace), the Assam hat (rice hat?), a cowboy hat, and so much more. It's my weird thing, but I love it, and I wear them all :))
Jun 3, 2024

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