Madonna. Julianne Moore. Willem Dafoe using his weird middle-heavy distended body to fuck them both. Madge domming the fuck out of Dafoe (she pours hot wax on his cock and fucks him with it! She gives him a handjob in an elevator full of people! He eats her pussy and gets his back cut open by shards of glass!) This movie is awesome. Had me feeling like a 12 year old boy discovering Cinemax after his parents went to bed.... watch it on Tubi! A legal erotic thriller that had my twat twitching!
Jan 30, 2024

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Very surreal viewing experience with myself and one dude being the only solitary perverts in our small theater packed to the gills with people—couples, pairs of women, and a front row of college aged girls having a ladies’ night. They were talking so loudly that people had to yell at them to shut up. (After the movie I heard one of them say “I think it was straight middle aged freaky not actually freaky. She’s a straight middle aged woman in power who wants to be dominated by the man and that’s the only thing. And she was a terrible person the entire time!”) I was blushing furiously the whole time and shrinking into my seat and my jaw definitely dropped multiple times. Very cerebral and psychosexually loaded movie that deals primarily in restraint to explore control vs vulnerability…
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Top Recs from @ivy

Did this for the first time back in July. I have never chain smoked more cigarettes or laughed harder than I did that night. Go to a drama bookshop or a library, pick out something random with an ensemble big enough to fit your group, and just go crazy. It’s pure fun and so silly but also really creatively engaging. We read some new-ish work called Family Furniture and it was pretty terrible, but it was a great time stumbling through it. All you need is a living room and the chutzpah to get choicey and you have a night made!
Nov 10, 2022
Best gluten free pasta… nutty flavor, great texture, reminiscent of whole wheat… my life is so boring and slow and i’ve become a girl who recommends gluten free pasta. Whatever.
May 6, 2024
Again, I love mess. I only went to high school for a year before leaving to do independent study (I thought I was gonna be famous but ended up working at the mall so I lost the ability to write with a pencil for basically no reason) and the thing I always found myself missing was a good tussle. I remember this one foggy morning when two girls duked it out in front of the bathroom stall while I shat before first period choir class and I can’t help but smile. A public fight is a beautiful, erotic thing; it’s a flash in the pan of boundless energy and unfettered passion, providing a very primal catharisis that words just cannot. When these moments are captured on camera, I can live vicariously through my fourteen year old self who was once the gleeful Snapchat voyeur at the scene of the crime. Reddit and Twitter are rife with great fight pages if you ever need to indulge yourself with something feral and nasty.
Nov 10, 2022