you can really get in with your thumbs near their little tiny shoulder blades n their necks and massage their lil muscles very gently. it feels very nice for them. i do it when my kitty lays on my chest or when he sits in my lap on the couch. i have to be careful about the type of fabric that he is sitting on though because he always drools. he is a very silly kitty
if you have a cat lay on your belly in bed and they just might come lay on your back and massage you with their sharp little claws. it doesn’t feel good but it does feel special. The only catch is, it’s illegal to try to get up
sitting back on a couch with your cat on your tummy sitting like a little sphinx and you’re scratching their little cheeks and slow blinking at each other
it‘s so easy to forget. this is a very important thing to do at least once a week. music is the greatest thing on earth, but it can be very alienating. eavesdrop! listen to the birds!
Treat every interaction like an interview. You are an investigative journalist and EVERYTHING is the scoop. Get out there with a pen behind your ear and a notepad in your pocket. Ask the cashier at the grocery store where he was born or if he’s ever been in love. Nobody can ever prevent you from learning.
the sweet and lacey kind like they made back in the day. it’s meditative and so very romantic. get little pearls and various kinds of glitter and paper flowers to decorate. write little handwritten notes for your dearly beloved. make an extra special valentine for your extra special someone.