going to try and use the groceries i already bought instead of ordering out….. wish me luck
Jan 30, 2024

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i’m pescatarian (bc tuna is cheap and i don’t want to be an inconvenience when im out with friends or fam) but i eat mostly vegetarian at home. here’s some things that helped me be organized and mostly plant based on a budget: 1. always buy a random protein or two everytime you shop. black beans, tofu, chickpeas (makes a mean imitation tuna salad) etc… same goes for a base such as lentils, rice etc. even if you don’t have a recipe in mind you’ll be thankful for it later. canned tomato is also great to have on hand. 2. invest in some nutritional yeast! 3. i take a week or so to sporadically write a paper list out with at least three or four meals in mind along with a loose budget (that’s what works best for me as i get paid biweekly) 4. if your local grocery has an app, use it! i have very bad anxiety so i love knowing exactly what aisle something is in. sometimes i compare between different store apps to see who will keep me close to my budget. i enter my paper list into the app so i’m sure that i have everything. and read those circulars/check for coupons. 5. get yourself a couple “cheat meals” something boxed, frozen, microwavable etc for your lazy days. also get a fun snack or two <3 groceries are def not easy so i feel your struggle! hope these tips help a bit :)
Jun 28, 2024
The first is to have “no buy” meals and BE strict about it! It forces you to be super creative, and lean into fun ingredient substitutions. My boyfriend and I challenge ourselves to do this a couple times a week - when we are making dinner we cannot buy ingredients. The second is to get started with vermicomposting :) totally doable on a small scale in an apartment
if you have food in your fridge you have food
Aug 18, 2024

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