one of the greatest video games of all time perfectly balanced, as all things should be exploration without the lame ubisoft map pop ups new things to discover on every playthough starting classes keep things different and interesting fantastic boss designs that leave you in awe and make you rage quit lore and background by George RR Martin worth the money and time tbh game looks insane i beat the game twice and im working on beating it a 3rd time try fingers but hole
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Jan 30, 2024

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i cannot remember a first playthrough of any game i’ve ever played that was as enchanting as this. it was the wondrous adventure that the original zelda from 1986 was gesturing at but finally fully realized with the aid of modern technology and design. especially in the era it came out, when open-world games were at the absolute peak of bloodless checklists and cocomelon design, a game that was this single-mindedly committed to atmosphere, exploration, and wonder was such an unbelievable breath of fresh air (pardon the pun). at the time it came out, i was falling out of love with gaming broadly, and botw is probably singlehandedly responsible for reigniting my love for videogames. it made me feel a kind of wonder that i genuinely did not think i was capable of feeling anymore, and it reminded me of the wholly unique kind of engagement that interactive art can provide that nothing else can. if you somehow haven‘t played it yet, i would literally recommend it to everyone. absolute fucking masterpiece. (honorable mentions: super metroid, undertale, metal gear solid 2)
Oct 14, 2024
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I wasn't allowed to play video games for a lot of growing up, but i got this game for free when my childhood church cleared out the video game cabinet in the youth group area. ended up playing it on the big clunky TV in my attic for hours at a time, consulting the map and the wiki the whole time since the game does very little hand holding and directing and relies on in-game dialogue and the interaction journal to guide the player along the story progression. this game is probably the single reason why i enjoy mostly RPGs now, especially stuff like Elden Ring. I'd say Morrowind in its own way was the Elden Ring of its time. first, the environment and lore are so rich and unique. while a lot of fantasy games feel like medieval europe but with magic (later Elder Scrolls games especially), the Morrowind world feels totally alien. it feels closer to the goofier parts of early DnD and tabletop games, totally unrestrained by later fantasy genre tropes and conventions. honestly i would just explore the map and follow my curiosity most of the time, letting my gameplay happen naturally rather than following a set progression that most games have now. the map is filled with neat things to do if you just stay curious. the music is also amazing, I could spend hours just vibin in the open world to the dinky MIDI orchestra dungeon bardcore type beats this all being said, this game is over 20 years old now. is the gameplay dated and clunky? absolutely. are the graphics ass? yeah but in an endearing way. are a lot of elements in the game broken and buggy as hell? frustratingly so. is finding ways to work around this and being rewarded for your stubbornness and cleverness still a rewarding gameplay experience? you bet. i'd recommend everyone with a still working OG Xbox or 360 to find a copy of the GOTY edition and go wild with it (or just get it on steam, but don't use mods, play it as is)
Oct 14, 2024
only Breath of the Wild comes anywhere close to matching the sense of exploration you get from its open world - every time you discover more of the map is a true WOW moment. Soulslikes are definitely a love-it-or-hate-it thing, but if you love it the combat is incredible. And the art design - despite being kind of a janky independent game, it looks SO much better than 99% of AAA games
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