“despite these slings, despite these arrows, I force myself to turn” is a powerful and incredible lyric wow
Jan 31, 2024

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this was genuinely life changing for me. i cant express my love with words bc its almost religious at this point. the lads brought their absolute fucking a-game for this. some fire lines: development wants, development gets its official development wants this neighbourhood gone so the city just wants the same when the bit pulls tight, the grip is sewn into the reins can't breathe it out, you just breathe it back again the sun's a strange light nothing grows right anymore scars on every stalk whose mouth should i use to talk? laid out immobile hoping for that call it's in my mouth, under my skin sodium pentathol
Feb 9, 2024
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i didn’t quite appreciate this song as much as i do now until seeing it performed as the closer to his live show… such a great encapsulation of the feeling of years of life under very late capitalism weighing on you how hard can you go, and for how long can you sustain it? when the force that fights back doesn’t ever relax it’s so relentless, oh how long can you defend against a cheat code? at a furious pace, with a smile on your face
May 5, 2024
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Off with their heads! Jump from the hook! You're not obliged to swallow anything you despise! This song is my reminder to play by my own rules when I get too caught up. It is perfect for fall because you are shedding your layers to the truest bones of who you are. It’s wonderful, and it builds and it EXPLODES towards the end. Listen and remember who you are!
Oct 20, 2024

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