If you’re “not on it cuz you don’t want another addiction”: A) learn some restraint out of self-respect (tough love) B) LIVE A LITTLE! Shit is not only useful, but hilaaaarious https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8novhQM/
Jan 31, 2024

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I love the funny content but the way some of the negativity of other apps like twitter bled into tt as well i just couldn't have it clogging my brain up but I respect this
Jan 31, 2024

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So i recently I've deleted tiktok, again. I deleted in 2020 then re-download it 4 years later when a friend reminded me that I never actually got rid of my account. I hear a lot of people say "I want to delete but i cant cuz I learn so much!", or "I able see this niche thing I can't find anywhere else!". And that's fair to an extent but it's an algorithm. You didn't "find" anything. You enjoy being fed your slop instead of finding it yourself. I think this is fine! I found this amazing site through tiktok myself. I just hate when ppl complain about something that's supposedly causing them more harm then good, but still go back to said thing. If you really care about a topic, you WILL find an alternative way to consume that topic. For instance, I like saving recipes and tiktok can be good for that. However, tiktok also makes me want to kms so I will use Pinterest instead. Or I like watching lifestyle content so I'll go on YouTube instead. Obviously other platforms have their own issues but if you really wanted to leave the app, you would've but you don't because ur addicted to the slop and u hve fomo.
Use it! I now don’t see videos that Require me to interact to avoid bad luck, anti aging tips, thrift hauls, etc. it actually does make my life better.
Feb 27, 2024
I’m a substitute teacher and everyday I’m reminded that TikTok has reduced my and my bf’s humor to the same as middle school boys’. In the words of one of my students “I think I have W brain rot guys.” But also deleting it may be extreme, there are some good finds on there, I discovered this site on it. I recommend setting a screen time limit and forgetting the passcode ✨
May 7, 2024

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