from what i can ascertain they play 90s/early 2000s rnb and soul during the day and switch to gospel music at night
the djs got in a huge argument on air the other day about what kind of weight loss pill oprah is on (“there are other pills besides ozempic!” one exclaimed. “why is everyone so quick to accuse her of ozempic?”)
anyway. they curate great vibes on the airwaves. it’s sooo refreshing to occasionally (or, in my case, frequently. daily, even) relinquish control over your taste to a team of professionals… sorry to all the DIY tastemakers on here but i kind of loveee being told what to listen to by people who know better…
whoever was DJing on Monday in the hours of 2pm to 4pm until I lost signal… I’d eat your ass for free
*Music genre varies by DJ, this particular one was playing Guther, Beck, GA-20, Jim Croce, etc. Do with that what you will..
Like WWOZ, KEXP, etc. The DJ’s, the wide variety of music, listing events, festivals, being plugged in to the local scene. WFUV is playing rain-themed songs right now. so wholesome and rad
Coming out of LMU in the West LA area. It’s small enough that you get some quirky programming along with great new finds. At times it is unlistenable and at times it is incredible. It is also ad free.
it’s not good or even great. it’s quite horrible actually… but if you feel like u need to atone for any sins this comes in handy.
you can eat this meal on a saturday morning and say to yourself “you’re terrible. you’re so terrible. you deserve this” over and over again