if you’ve ever had a manic episode and a long term partner simultaneously, this might make you laugh a bit. I don’t know how I truly feel about the main character. Maybe bc she’s speaking to my feral tendencies that I dislike Her But I’m also like super into the insanity Of it all. I can’t tell if this is supposed to be about wife liberation (new punk band name) or a trad wife starter kit (also new band name but for my post punk band). She’s gives very much “would you still love me if I were a cloud?” I can relate. The answer should always be yes bc why wouldn’t you fall in love with the clouds in the sky?? Are we not real yearners? Let’s see how the rest of the book shapes up.
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Feb 1, 2024

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I don’t personally know Alissa Bennett, but I think she is a brilliant and funny person who has clearly lived a vibrant life. A friend of mine once said about himself, “I’m not a journalist; I just live this shit.” I think this mantra (with the tweak, “I’m just really interested in this shit”) applies to Bennett’s writing and various projects — from her burner IG @regret_counter and podcast, to the next-level zines she publishes. Those zines though, wow! The writing is so intimate, confident, and, well, perfectly imperfect (sorry, sorry…).I like that every other paragraph has a typo, that she will frequently and flagrantly use cap-locks, and that she essentially unpacks the indiscretions of fringe tabloid figures in order to exhume her own demons and make sense of her past and present. It’s got a very “warts and all” vibe, and I respect that she’s willing to air her own dirty laundry in service of establishing a spiritual connection to the subjects of her texts. That’s not to say she goes easy on them, but it all feels empathetic instead of exploitative or solipsistic. Rarely do I audibly laugh while reading, but Bennett’s work consistently makes me LOL. Generally, I prefer when people write the way they talk. Her essays feel like the coolest girl at the bar is whispering (and occasionally shouting) a very good story directly in your ear, but she also doesn’t really care whether you like the story or not. She already knows it’s good.Start with “Bad Behavior,” which is a series of essays/love letters to various semi-public figures who engaged in specific, scandalous acts. Then hit “Pretend You’re Actually Alive.” Most of the zines are sold out, but I’m sure she’d send you a PDF if you ask nicely. There’s also a new one on the way.
Sep 8, 2022

Top Recs from @paydayl0an

Carmelize the damn onions in butter and beef broth. Low heat, 45 fuckin minutes. I’m not playin w you. Use gruyere cheese Make a compound butter with my girlies: thyme and rosemary and their dude garlic. Slather that butter on two pieces of sourdough. Both sides, I shouldn’t even have to tell you this. Cook up some bacon!!! Add a tomato. If you’re feeling froggy…truffle powder. Get to work.
Jan 25, 2024
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It’s black history month. Support your black friends and learn the origin of like every American popular musical genre everrr. Once I’m done with the 40 + genres, we’re diving into the diasporaaaa. And then at some point I’m talking cash shit about the summer of love and what was cooler than stinky trust fund kids…I mean hippies in San Francisco... I’ll give you some hints, same time period but across the bridge in Oakland. There’s also 1980s Washington DC, fuck it even 1960s Detroit. I just really fucking hate the Grateful Dead fans. Sorry. Not sorry. Perfect listening for cleaning the house and doing art projects. Tell a friend.
Feb 2, 2024
The price of cured salmon is as bad as gas. Let’s do it for cheap and w our own flavor profiles. It’s like really fucking easy and no work at all. 1 slab of salmon (skin on or off who cares) Equal parts sea salt and brown sugar 1:1 ratio is important you can choose how much you wanna mix up. An assortment of herbs. I like to use the following: Cayenne pepper Fresh ground rosemary Fresh ground thyme Garlic powder Black pepper Truffle salt Crushed red peppers Zest of a lemon Zest of two limes Zest of three clementines Cinnamon Allspice If you decide to keep the skin on your salmon, score the skin. This means cut long slits diagonally in the skin so that the pink meat is exposed. Don’t cut so deep that you open the other side. Mix ALL your herbs together In your salt:sugar ratio TASTE YOUR BLEND BEFORE IT GOES ON YOUR SALMON. IS IT MISSING SOMETHING? IS IT JUST RIGHT? ARE THE HERBS POPPIN? Ok good. Now you’re gonna rinse that salmon slab in water and pat her dry. Two paths here: 1. You’re gonna place that salmon on a piece of plastic wrap that is on a cookie sheet. You’re going to start covering your slab in your seasoning mix, pretend like you’re at the beach and you’re covering up your sibling in sand. Once that side is covered you’re gonna flip her over and do the other side and then you’re going to wrap that mf in that plastic wrap nice and tight so that NO seasoning or salmon is leaking out. 2. You’re gonna grab a large freezer ziploc bag and put your salmon in it. From there, you will be pouring your seasoning mixture in the freezer bag covering the entire piece of fish until you can’t see it anymore. Keep that cookie sheet handy still Bc that ziploc bag is going right on that sheet. After you’ve chosen your path, you will place the cookie sheet in your fridge w a heavy cutting board on top, pressing the salmon. If you need more weight I recommend adding some canned goods on top or more veggies that are in the fridge (maybe a Tupperware container too) Sit in your fridge for AT LEAST 24 hours. If you do this before bed, flip the salmon over the next morning and let cure for like another 8 hours. When that 24 hours is up, there will be liquid, that’s normal. Scrape all that seasoning off, scrape as much as YOU want off. This is your recipe, babe. Slice up and enjoy w a bagel, on deviled eggs, a piece of avo toast like…whatEVER the heart desires. Please keep in mind that the longer you cure the more jerky like it will become. This means super TOUGH and SALTY. If you had skin on your salmon, slice that off and use it however you want. I like to cut it in longer strips, put it over the stove till it gets semi crispy and wrap it around rice. It’s ok if there’s still some salmon meat attached. That adds to the flavor. Happy cooking, you just saved about 30 bucks and you can have lox for more than two bagels ❤️
Jan 22, 2024