it’s more portable than a switch and plenty powerful for its offerings
Feb 1, 2024

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if you’re technologically literate and played video games when you were you get, you might have an untapped fountain of joy waiting to be discovered under a bed somewhere. consoles that many a gen y/z‘er played in their youth often have a community of people dedicated to cracking their software wide open and making them do things that their manufacturers never intended, like playing pirat— I mean legally acquired game files instead of paying for expensive discs, or enabling mods and developer settings, or even running emulators for other game consoles. My PS2 can emulate an original game boy advance now. why? I’m not sure, but it’s funny. google your consoles name plus homebrew (the name for custom software) or custom firm ware or hack and you’ll find a guide for the unique process people have developed to hack it.
Jan 30, 2024
If you wanna play games like Mario, Pokémon, Kirby, or The Legend of Zelda, or if you enjoy multiplayer games with people in the same room, the Nintendo Switch is the choice. However, keep in mind that the Switch 2 is expected to be announced between now and April 2025. This means the price of the original Switch will likely drop, making it a good time to upgrade from the Lite (and there may be backward compatibility, so waiting could be beneficial) But if you're looking for games with high-end graphics, big adventures, and more online multiplayer options, etc, and you don't mind missing out on Nintendo titles, I recommend choosing a PlayStation over an Xbox because their exclusives are better imo. However, Xbox consoles tend to be cheaper. If you have the option, get the disc version of either console so you can sell your games once you’re done with them. With digital games, you only purchase a license and don’t technically own them (which is something I feel strongly about lol)
Aug 1, 2024

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it’s not the same when i do it
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