tulips are my favourite flower… they’re just sooo cute
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Feb 1, 2024

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they’re a flower that was always around growing up. in my mom’s pretty vases, my neighbours’ flower patches. my great-grandparents were from the netherlands and they handmade these sweet little wooden tulip yard stakes that are now split up across my extended family. whenever i go to visit my Oma or my aunts i see a couple of them in their gardens and it makes me smile. they feel very familiar to me. i also love how they look open! from what i’ve seen it’s not the most popular way to display them, but one of my favourite parts of buying a bunch of closed tulips is watching them slowly open and seeing the stamens inside.
beautiful colours to fill any room
Apr 19, 2024
A month or so ago my beloved fianceé took me to a tulip farm. They had about 20+ different colors/varieties with crazy names like 'Snowboard' and 'Design Impression'. We got to pick out 10 flowers each and make our own bouquets. I love spending time with my love, being surrounded by flowers just makes it that much better.
Jun 26, 2023

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I don't have a ton of music making experience outside of writing songs for myself and doing nothing with them. but I'd love to do more. This is all I have that's public: space worm - a collaboration with 2 other students/friends. I did the lyrics, melody, and vocals. fun fact we only had 1 day to record the vocals so I was singing for 5 hours straight with no breaks and I wanted to cry. good times Spotify Youtube Tidal santa baby - worked on this with my cool producer friend... it was very fun! but probably not the vibe for January lol Spotify Tidal
Feb 1, 2024
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aside from being incredible brain candy, this... remix (?) of a thousand miles genuinely feels like an emotional experience the depths and simultaneous ridiculousness of which the original could never reach. something about those pitched up vocals, man. i had it on repeat for the entirety of august/september 2023 and now i can't listen to it without reminiscing about the exact genre of anxiety i had at the time. this was like, 5-6 months ago mind you. and that complete time-collapse of nostalgia, well, it all just feels so daria-core...
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