is it so much to ask to just live next to all my friends and family and share a garden and have communal dinners and have a tool library and and and...
Feb 2, 2024

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what's more punk than reclaiming streets for people instead of cars and seed bombing vacant lots??? there's so much more to it but the linked video on redesigning city streets is hopefully inspiring to some. fight the existential dread with imagination. make the revolution irresistible. image is from https://www.resilience.org/stories/2022-12-20/solarpunk-radical-hope/
Mar 8, 2024
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this rabbit hole started when I accidently found a very cool bedframe on pinterest. it looked vaguely andry warhole esque and I clicked on the source link. which led me to a 2003 blog post. the post (very boringly) discussed the importance of infrustructure in 3rd world countries and suggested that descions that were made to build more housing in India were actually very cool and could be applied in big cities like New York. i couldn't exactly pinpoint when the movement of urban nomads started, but it does have a very prominent figure -- Victor Papanek. he was an industrial designer from Austria and he dedicated all his life to building stuff for people. he quite literally has a book titled "Design for the Real World". Papanek loved cubes. he has a series of drawings (1 & 2) about different cubes for a person to live in. it's actually kinda cool and does remind me of those NYC aparments I see on tiktok. right now there are a lot of insallations that fall under the term urban nomads. for example, here's a shopping cart in which you can live. before i end this post here's a modular playground he made that could be transported anywhere that's all, see ya!
May 17, 2024
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as ur local architect i could give 100 answers to this ask. but here is a social housing project i really love. the most sustainable building is one that already exists, building anything new is inherently bad for the environment (buildings make up 40% of global emissions!). rather than propose an entirely new building for this public housing project, lacaton & vassal proposed essentially renovating the existing and extending the building outward in the front by adding a layer of these kinda indoor/outdoor living spaces. i love this as a low cost solution that not only raises the economic value of these apartments but also is an incredibly valuable space for the well being of the tenants. pic of the diagram showing before and after but def encourage taking a look at the pics in the link!
Mar 17, 2024

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it’s like eating the sun itself
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Low Tech Magazine runs on a single solar panel. We take for granted just how much energy is needed to keep up with our digital footprint. The tenet of the magazine is to radically reimagine our technology in more sustainable ways. The website has solar panel data so you can see how charged the website is. Running on solar means the website does go offline at times when the sun isn't out. In a world where access to information is so ubiquitous, it's really cool to have a website that isn't always going to be online.
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and then share it anyway. the people who like it will be grateful you did. who cares if people don’t like it? you didn’t make it for them.
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