This is a substack that I’ve been subscribed to for a while run by this guy named Stephen Adubato. It’s a really great blend of critical analysis of popular culture while staying grounded in reality. I don’t agree with everything they write about but I never feel like the writing that is published is didactic, or shame-y, which is a pothole that I feel a lot of critical analysis falls into lately. Thanks Stephen
Feb 2, 2024

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yes im a pretentious sounding pseudo-intellectual freak now come and read my journal entries! heres one of my personal favourite lines from my most recent one: 'My therapist called it a friendship built off of dysfunction. I always knew it was, with my strange, twisted need for a savior grappling for everyone I touch (please take everything I write very lightly, for I have never been kissed, I have never been wanted). '
an iconic place to dump your thoughts, ideas, and ramblings onto a group of friends who actively signed up to hear about your shit every few weeks. the best part is it's illegal under federal law for anybody to ever unsubscribe, so you've got ppl in a chokehold for infinity and beyond <333 just wrote something about the age of early aughts social media, Kyle Chayka's latest book Filterworld, and where we go from here (PI.FYI is obvi mentioned).
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lyta gold - writes about issues around media literacy, sometimes rapid-fire reviews, and occasional digressions about star trek becca rothfield - reviews books, writes books, and generally has novel perspectives on a lot of issues that are usually only discussed in inane ways on social media alexandra leaving - the most personal blog-ish of the ones so far, but luckily she is a pretty interesting and funny person. i recommend her weezer article in particular. i have more but in the interest of brevity thought i would end with comrade mdoinurmom's blog generally ambitious, which i just started reading fairly recently but have greatly enjoyed what i've seen so far (btw i basically only read substack through my RSS feed and i recommend y'all do the same)
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I was in fine arts, working as a registrar at a small art conservation business for an insane Russian woman committing tax fraud. While I did get to touch picasso’s signature, I also could not pay my bills and spent many days in tears in my boss’s son’s bedroom (I worked in her dining room). Now I am unemployed & looking for grant writing/administrative jobs that pay a normal amount of money and have an HR department
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