The sky, the ceiling, the Sistine chapel, etc. Give it a new perspective! Writing this while laying under this art instillation hanging thing it really inspired me
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Feb 2, 2024

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That's pretty wild. And then you can think about the people up there who are reading books and watching movies and having sex in small gross boxes??? Amazing stuff.
And think about how often do you truly have to look directly above. It's almost defiant, aiming your sights directly opposite the planet only a scant few will ever escape, becoming extra aware of the tridimentionality of your life. It's strange how everything you find by aiming above are only the bottoms of things, the most "useless" of sides, or at least the one most often meant to go unseen. I despair at how uncomfortable the angle it is, like the stars and clouds aren't meant for me, nor the puny flexibility of my neck. Soon I'll have to look down. Still, everything below up is still kind of cool, I guess; much more graspable, but we can't have everything in life.
Apr 23, 2024

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I cannot explain to anyone rationally why i like this weird swedish guy and his friends so much. it should not be this way but the album Icedancer by Bladee is like therapy to me. i swear the rest of my taste in music is so good. NO! I wont apologize bladee is good too. you just wish you were on my level. if you are reading this and don't know who i'm talking about honestly don't check him out you will probably not like it and then just judge me for my (correct) opinion
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Letterboxd for my movies, last.fm for my music, and my journal for books (bc goodreads is annoying). I love having a little time capsule of the things I've been into over the years. Anyways follow me if you want to know what perfect taste is https://boxd.it/4A2kB https://www.last.fm/user/an-na_belle_
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