Discusses the sensory experiences of going to museums in the 16th-18th centuries when touching and holding museum objects was much more common … not unlike how Thomas needed to touch Jesus’s crucifixion wounds after he rose from the dead to know he was real. Highlight was the description of a man who kissed the corpse of Queen Katherine in Westminster Abbey 
Feb 2, 2024

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When a museum is old and antiquated it becomes a museum museum- you can enjoy thinking about how it used to look and think about how people saw things way back when. The Natural History Museum in Manhattan is an obvious example of this. Old taxidermy dioramas of scenes in nature, wood grain everywhere… I wish I could only go to museum museums
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The less you know the better… but this mind-blowing Marais district institution implicitly reconstructs the proto-museum “Wunderkammer”/“cabinet of curiosities” experience, directly integrating rotating exhibitions of contemporary art within an itself-delirious blend of portraits, installations, taxidermy, weaponry, and artifacts of ambiguous veracity. The visitor is thus transported into a hybrid and chimerical world that, like its covert cousin (The Museum of Jurassic Technology in Los Angeles), ultimately raises questions about the very purpose of museums — whether for natural science, technology, *or* for art — in a secular society.
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Speaking of fake! This would fit into a much wider category of joy and intrigue in my life; anything that travels down the “uncanny valley” ranging from animatronics to bad cgi, but wax museums are the original uncanny valley. I love going to a tiny busted wax museum and feeling the staleness, the mediocre representation of life… It’s such a strange phenomena to pay money to witness fake people, and take pictures with them when they’re close to reality. I love the tacky theater of it. I love the societally sanctioned morbidity of it.
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Jan 28, 2024
Being the main character is hack shit, and really? You ain’t. All the people I see acting like the main character are all like, girls with blonde hair who didn’t hear Sonic Youth until their 20s or guys that that have daydreams about what they’d say as a guest on a podcast. I’m a supporting character. I’m Kramer, not Jerry, and I love it. Who needs a stressful storyline? If I get a storyline it is FUN, and EASY, and most importantly, UNNECESSARY. Most of the time I show up for a few minutes, get my bits in, and peace out. Simply living life.
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