Translations by Brian Friel
- one of the best plays ever written imo. a small irish community in the early 1800s is shaken to its core when a british cartographer comes to map their land for the empire, attempting to translate their place names and ultimately erasing them. a brilliant study in how language creates and shapes culture.
The World Is Ending and Maybe That’s Kinda Hot by Catherine Weingarten (only on New Play Exchange ;))
- an adaptation of the Decameron by Boaccaccio, but if it was twitter in the 2010s. funky prose, sweeping emotions, horny teens.
Purlie Victorious: a Non Confederate Romp Through the Cotton Patch by Ossie Davis
- saw this on broadway in september and it was phenomenal. a charismatic preacher constructs a farce to buy back his family’s old church from the town’s racist sharecropper. both incredibly funny and witty, and also a powerful reflection of black spirituality in the early 20th century.
hope this helps! always down to talk plays :))