you can have a short hot love affair or find something you love forever. I bought this silly hat in richmond, I bought a bedazzled bracelet in brooklyn just because it went with the specific outfit I was wearing and the guy in the shop was playing super esoteric german electronica from the 70s. will they endure? probably no but hopefully yes.
And FIVE were selected for publication in the latest issue of artdoc magazine, two in their online exhibition :) I wrote my artist statement in 30 seconds because I didn’t even imagine it would be seen. I’ve struggled with confidence in my creative vision and sharing my work recently, so this is an amazing way to close out the year 🌀🦋
The internet archive is just the greatest thing ever, i love it for the ephemeral films and lost home videos, old religious and esoteric manuscripts, textbooks, nasa photos, centuries’ worth of magazine issues, old records, lectures…. 💌