Feb 3, 2024

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So much is invested in telling us that we have to be “productive” and optimized and more like machines. I‘m still working on shaking that guilty feeling when I do ”nothing.” But it’s not nothing. It‘s actually rebellion to chill out for a day and let the mind and body rest
Mar 2, 2024
Sometimes I get in bed, I’ve done nothing but breathe, stay in place, and distract myself for the entire day, and I feel a pretty heavy weight that’s only gotten bigger as I’ve gotten older; you know that voice that says, “i’ve got to do what this successful person did or i need to finally take that advice or i need to be PRODUCTIVE”. and in fact, I spent the whole day worrying so much about being productive that I didn’t do anything I really wanted to do in the first place. And that’s okay! We are not machines, we’re not broken or repaired, we just are. we are not measured by what we can produce, even though the society we live in wants us to feel that way soooo bad. Fuck that. find the love in the world and everything else will fall into place. be okay with doing nothing
because sometimes shit is hectic and busy and you have to keep your shit together and have to remain engaged and involved in whatever the fuck you need to be checked in for but also sometimes you need to disconnect from literally every fucking thing and just only exist without any expectation or demand yknow?

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