the best color... it will give a sweet and charming quality to absolutely anything... magical really. it was also the first color of life on earth (link)
i feel like i feel a lot more deeply about my favorite colors than others just given how much it bleeds into every part of my identity!! but uhhh i actually decided on a new favorite color recently after it sparking more joy for me in my day to day…
my old favorite color made me very happy, it’s the color of windows into homes at nighttime and it’s always felt very warm and homey to me… my new favorite color is the color the clouds turn at sunsets and also of my favorite flowers <3 and it’s a bit more feminine and pink which i love… idk… for me it’s just like what color brings me the most joy
i have my dream job, live in my dream city, love my friends, love my wardrobe, love my apartment... sometimes the bliss hits me all at once. i have so much to be grateful for!! :'3
i am so obsessed with the prehistoric world and the art made during that time! so deeply moving and inspiring to me, i feel the magnitude of these works with my whole heart