funny documentary about a working class midwestern guy just trying to get his film made. feels like a mockumentary but it’s real. bittersweet with a looming sadness, but if anything it’s hopeful. definitely inspired napoleon dynamite and hot rod
one of my new favorites methinks…
This is hands down the best documentary ever made and if you haven’t seen it please watch it immediately. It’s surreal, empathetic, funny, sad and triumphant all at the same time. I don’t want to spoil anything for you but please watch it.
I have two jars of planters peanuts and a giant bag of pretzels that ive been slowly eating over the past couple months and its really fun bc it makes u feel like ur at some kind of fun circus event. Next time I shop I will get cracker jacks.. peanuts pretzels popcorn thats all I need...