I love these two Olivias of the vintage world. They truly know how to source and have equally stellar eyes. O La Roche is by Olivia La Roche. She’s a California babe but now lives in Rome, so all of her sourcing is from Italy. She offers a perpetually going-out wardrobe that will immediately make you feel va-va-voom. It’s all hot freak-in-the-city vibes. Then there is Olivia Haroutunian of Texas who is Depop famous but has transcended that world because she is a MENSA fashion ID’er. She finds the most slept-on labels even in something as rabidly looked at like Sex and the City. She’s managed to track down the real designer of Carrie’s naked dress, Elisa Jimenez. PS. She is 22 and paying her way through school by selling vintage.