First PI.FYI mention in a zine? Like an itty bitty one? Printed these out today and am selling them for $3 plus shipping. DM on Insta if you wanna purchase.
Mostly just posting this Rec to show this page haha
24pg pocket photozine borne out of a newfound energy to Just Make Things without intense scrutiny , to experiment for the sake of it ... also this is the first time I've ever sold a zine for moneys... significant to me for both of those reasons
assembly of my fav photos I've taken with my blindcam (aka , my shattered-screen now-preview-less digicam)
reflecting on this makes me want 2 make another . perhaps tops 2 . or bottoms .
Had nothing to do today but making a zine and ordering 10 for print got my creative juices flowing!
It’s called
and it’s full of pictures describing those words. I feel productive and I’m excited to get them in the mail… yay!
since high school, making little zines has been one of my preferred ways to journal and process things. I hope u enjoy this one from 2018 that I lovingly crafted with highlighters, crayons, and a glue stick. ❤️