incredibly amusing. bonus points if it's a local school, nothing like seeing ur classmates' parents with big 80s hair.
Feb 4, 2024

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stalking your elementary school classmates’ instas and realizing you dodged a bullet by ‘not being cool enough’ to be their friend.
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Get back in touch with that one teach who made you read Dubliners or A Fan's Notes or whatever. They love spilling tea about the other teachers you hated who made you read Beowulf. It's usually awful information, but nonetheless scintillating information
Feb 7, 2024
After growing up in the LBC (would have attended a 4000-person / 3 grade high school) I ended up going to high school in a little rural/farming community in Oregon that didn't even have 4000 people living in it. It's a long story re: how I got there. It was a little bit like "Footloose" in this town. Kids made their own fun, there wasn't a helluva lot going on there. A lot of students took Shop class and hung out in that (grimy) building. Senior year, someone had their little import car (Honda, I think?) partially disassembled and then reassembled INSIDE the building. I think it happened over a weekend and we showed up on Monday and.... there was a Honda parked in senior hall. Our graduating class had maybe 150 kids so everyone knew whose it was. I think they ended up having to tear the doors off the hinges in a few different hallways to get it back out again. We all got a lecture at some senior night thing or another about respecting school and each other's property, with the idea being that if someone would just come forward and admit it, there would be less trouble. I don't remember anyone snitching or actually getting in trouble. The car belonged to someone on rally and I have no idea how they didn't figure out it was missing or if they were in on it somehow. There were some great photos floating around, all pre-smartphone era. Pure small-town dumbassery. Someone there has probably dined out on this story for decades now.
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Top Recs from @maddymaynot

and everything he has ever done
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unbeatable combo for sunmer
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when there are worms wriggling on the sidewalk, pick them up and gently place them back in the dirt where they belong. otherwise they may dry up or get stepped on. those poor wiggly guys don't stand a chance and they need YOU. you can even keep a tally of worms saved and be a superhero to the worm kingdom.
Feb 15, 2024