“You’re my witness, I’m your mutineer”  This one sounds like the wind’s just picked up and you’ve left the doldrums.  You’re resolute, measured, everything is in the right place now and set in motion. With all your newfound purpose, from another point of view, it might look like you’re doing something rash, something stupid for someone you love. But you two have your own secret language, your own lovers’ logic. You’re escapees on the run from the landlocked life, and right now you can see clear to the horizon. Art needs an audience, conspiracy needs company. Grab your coat, let’s get out of here. (WZ looking so cool on the cover)
Feb 4, 2024

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Listen to the song and just check these lyrics: Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum Hoist the mainsail, here I come Ain't no room on board for the insincere You're my witness I'm your mutineer I was born to rock the boat Some may sink but we will float Grab your coat, let's get out of here You're my witness I'm your mutineer Long ago we laughed at shadows Lightning flashed and thunder followed us It could never find us here You're my witness I'm your mutineer
Feb 7, 2025
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I really admire how he kept trying new things, routinely switching up his stylistic approach to explore the same set of themes, always sticking to his guns. Here are some of his lyrics that have been on my mind lately: ✥ From 'Pleasures of the Harbor' For love was but a smile Teasing all the while Now dancing down the drain ✥ From 'The Party' The wallflower is waiting, she hides behind composure She'd love to dance and prays that no one asks her Then she steals a glance at lovers while her fingers tease her hair And she marvels at the confidence of those who hide their fears Then her eyes are closed as she rides away with a foreign legionnaire And my shoulders had to shrug As I crawl beneath the rug And re-tune my piano ✥ From 'When I'm Gone' And I won't breathe the bracing air when I'm gone And I can't even worry 'bout my cares when I'm gone Won't be asked to do my share when I'm gone So I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here ✥ From 'There But For Fortune' Show me a prison, show me a jail Show me a prisoner whose face has gone pale And I'll show you a young man with so many reasons why And there but for fortune, may go you or I Also 'Jim Dean of Indiana' is great example of how lyrics are animated by melody, phrasing and pacing. None of the lyrics of 'Jim Dean' particularly stand out when written down, but when heard the emotional build-up is so intense and heart-breaking. Every quiet blunt little line builds on the one that came before, culminating in the final gut-punch: "That is where I placed a flower For Jim Dean of Indiana" It's the only time anything in the song is said in first person, let alone implies that the story has anything other than a distant omniscient point of view. It's just so sad!! Anyways, give him a listen and lmk if you have any insight into the lyrical pit of despair that is 'When In Rome' lol (Phil could get extremely pessimistic, would often write from the worst person in any scenario's perspective to really make you look at it straight in the face [eg: 'Outside Of A Small Circle Of Friends'*] and really loved writing about sailors. It can be a lot sometimes!) _____________________________________ * "Maybe we should raise our voices, ask somebody why But demonstrations are a drag, besides, we're much too high" is another great line lol, get organized or get WRECKED
Jan 31, 2025

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