So this a little habit I randomly started doing about 2 years ago now, and I never seem to get sick of it because when I’m ever in doubt about my productivity; it’s there to remind me that hey even the little things matter …
I am quite a messy person when it comes to planning, don’t get me wrong, I’m great with being on time and whatnot … I just have a hard time planning things too far ahead, and if you’re anything like this; I urge you to try this as a little fun exercise/experiment!
Heres how it works;
The night before a day, especially before a day when you know you’ll have a few things to do like errands and whatnot, start making a checklist on your notes app of all the things you need to accomplish, they can be as little as having a coffee in the morning to signing a lease for your new house, all that matters is that you write every single (realistic of course) thing you want to accomplish in the day.
It is also important that the things you’re including are things youre supposed to do in a sense, like doing your laundry for example… I say that in comparison to things like “I want to get better at golf” for example, where that goal is more of an aspiration than a task if that makes sense.
while making the list, try imagining how your day will go, that helps with planning the more rigorous parts, and with that you might remember things you forgot you’re supposed to do, or have been putting off.
The next step of course is to have a good night sleep to then wake up and seize the day! Now your goal is to check off every task on the list, sometimes the timeline messes up so we finish some tasks before the other and that is fine as long as we go back to a task we’ve missed, it can help sometimes to add the time you need to start/finish a task if it’s more of a time sensitive task.
You can check off the list as you finish your tasks, or you can check it off the way I like to do it, where you check off everything at once in your bed at night which feels more dramatic and accomplished in a way… but obviously if you want to do that, then you’d still have to check your list throughout the day just to make sure you’re not forgetting anything, otherwise that check-off-in-bed ceremony is a little disappointing.
So yeah! There you have it ! You did it… kinda … this exercise if you haven’t noticed already, is all about celebrating little accomplishments even if they were huge, the goal is to remind ourselves that we do more in a day sometimes than we give our self credit for. Taking the trash out, sending that email, trying that coffee shop, hanging up that painting you bought months ago, finally reading more than just 5 pages from a book that’s been in your Goodreads “currently reading” that’s been there for longer than you’d like to admit, or even just having lunch … a task too vital to celebrate, they all amount to something!
(The list I have attached to this is a screenshot of a list I made for a Wednesday when I was on holiday - so it was a rather uneventful Wednesda, they usually tend to be longer but I couldn’t find any , because I tend to delete them once I’m done with a list)