my covid lockdown show, nothing compares to it (dialogue, acting, writing, directing), it's like cinema for your tv, and will hit especially if u have catholic guilt and/or are into dream sequences/psychoanalysis
abandoning the single journal style of journaling and investing in 1-3 journals (all different sizes/grid style, all depends on what you need) has done wonders for my organization process
*the key is to not buy overpriced notebooks unless you have the means to - a $2-5 notebook will do
Journal 1: medium sized leuchtturm1917 dot grid - for planning, making high level lists of ideas and thoughts
Journal 2: small pocketbook journal for my daily/weekly planning
Journal 3: grid style for creative thoughts, ideas, sketches that I need to visualize and document
not sure if other people have experienced this, but I've found that opening one profile and then another causes the content from the previous profile to show up on the next profile
Specifically Anker 525. I have other non tech-based luxuries but this one needs a highlight bc it’s my newly experienced little luxury.
when i tell u it has changed my life. So convenient, no more of the hassle of trying to look for all your charger blocks. everything’s in one place, I no longer deal with uncharged devices (which i’m notorious of). Your charger blocks can also stay in your travel/commute backpack and u avoid the risk of misplacing/losing them