Not a huge fantasy novel person, but I read the Game of Thrones books. Waiting forever for the new ones to come out, as a joke decided to try reading the entire Wheel of Time series (14 loooong books) while I waited. I’m on book 7 of 14. Can’t/won’t turn back now.
Feb 5, 2024

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Super long but super well written fantasy series. I’m only on book 8 out of 14 lol
Apr 27, 2024
I actually reread them last year, and finally finished all of them (Robert Jordan, the author, died back when I was reading them as a young teen, so there was a long gap between the 11th book and the final 3 books while the publishers tried to find another author to finish the series using Jordan's notes and input from his wife/editor, hence why I never finished the series as a kid). I was motivated to reread them because the Amazon WoT series is such complete and utter shit, and I wanted to make sure I wasn't misremembering the books, because I remembered really liking them. In fact, I was initially drawn to them as a teen because after reading LOTR and seeing all of the movies in theaters, I needed something new to fill that gaping hole of loss you feel after finishing a good series, and WoT did that nicely. Anyway, turns out the books are still great, even as an adult. In fact, I appreciated them even more this time around. Which makes it such a shame that the Amazon series is just absolutely butchering it (they're following only like 5% of the books' plot and inventing the other 95% from scratch). Talk about a crime against art. I definitely recommend the books though! They were a fun, easy, and epic diversion during the depressing latter half of winter. So much so that I'm trying to turn it into a habit. Non-fiction during spring, summer, and fall, and fiction during winter.
Feb 28, 2024

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