get a library card bro. kanopy partners w libraries and they have real good movies on there, u can basically replace netflix. also so many books and cool things and its awesome
You get free printing, subscriptions to tons of newspapers, sometimes even free Adobe??? And lol ... free books, movies and more. Libraries will save us. Get your card!!
Changed my life. Can pull up a digital version of any book I'm reading anywhere (like on my laptop in class😈) completely free. Free audiobooks. Upped my literary consumption by at least 75%. Lots of TV and movies too. Unsubscribe from your streaming service. Save $15. Get a library card.
lovers and friends on both cheeks to say hello or when ur on a date sitting on the same side of the table or first thing when u wake up or when u see ur dog and they need a forehead kiss
💋 xx
give kisses freely and frequently love don’t cost a thing am I right