Met the love of my life on Tindr and while I cannot in good conscience recommend Tindr, I had good results. I just wish more people had the "relationship" mentality and not the "situationship" mentality.
I use no dating app as I am too beautiful and it’s all too confusing for a nubile young girl like me… however my sometimes-habit of yapping with random old/interesting/cute persons I encounter on my hour+ long commutes home has recently bore the fruit of some really incredible and unexpected first dates. I recommend chatting with the attractive stranger - maybe give social media only if you are a bit afraid but if anything it is a great exercise in Remembering How To Talk In a Human Way Like a Normal Person 💯
wacky musical time machine app. I play on it for hours when I’m hungover like a pretentious ipad baby. where else am I gonna find rare grooves from khmer rouge era cambodia??
It’s sunny in Scotland in February so I’m legally obligated to listen to this song on loop during my beachcombing walk…Captures that pre-spring giddiness so well
My couple friends just said I love you to each other for the first time while I was hanging out with them & then sent me home with a Tupperware full of anchovy pasta. This owns