It's one of the most wild and mind bending philosophy/psychology books I've ever read. It almost encourages you to give up and put the book down in frustration. It feels like it's aim is to so completely break down the way we conventionally approach mental illness and the larger human experience that it speaks in borderline gibberish at times, requiring you to fundamentally alter your mindset to even begin to understand what they are talking about.
"It is at work everywhere, functioning smoothly at times, at other times in fits and starts. It breathes, it heats, it eats. It shits and fucks. What a mistake to have ever said the id. Everywhere it is machines—real ones, not figurative ones: machines driving other machines, machines being driven by other machines, with all the necessary couplings and connections. An organ-machine is plugged into an energy-source-machine: the one produces a flow that the other interrupts. The breast is a machine that produces milk, and the mouth a machine coupled to it. The mouth of the anorexic wavers between several functions: its possessor is uncertain as to whether it is an eating-machine, an anal machine, a talking-machine, or a breathing machine (asthma attacks). Hence we are all handymen: each with his little machines."