this is my mantra: don't take anything seriously.. life, work, the internet, app, your job, what you own, what you do. anything... everything...
life is chaotic and meaningless, embrace the absurdity, lets fucking go.
i feel like we tend to give way too much of our energy to things that don’t actually matter that much. put the mean phone down and get some fresh air, good grief!! it is not the end of the world - the sun will always rise again. of course, some things do have weight, and that’s okay! it is okay to be upset! but everything only has the power we decide to give it. we are so small and the universe is so infinite, and i’ll sound like a hippie saying this (which i do not think is bad at all, they kinda had it going on), but we should pour so much more of our energy into expressing love. it makes other people feel better, it makes you feel better; it’s just the better option.