Just go this book, Nin is my favorite writer. Delta Venus erotica was my first book I read from her. Today I got her diary from the twenties, volume 2, to be exact. I didnā€™t know but there was different volumes, which are different eras of her life being written by her. I took a picture of the library checkout because itā€™s from my university library and it hasnā€™t been checked out since 2004. (Broke the streak).
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Feb 6, 2024

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Iā€™ve recently been looking forward to Ethel Cains youtube videos. Each video consists of her sitting in her humble home and showing the audience some type of object. Her videos range from asmr, to art book hauls. Each having a different tone and whimsical appeal to them. In this video she is reviewing a Marsona 1200A Sound Conditiner Machine. To which was recommended to her by a viewer on one her previous videos. She explains as she plays around with the machine and itā€™s tune. ā€œ So when the surf rate is all the way up. It crashes faster, but if we turn it all the way down. It takes a little longer to reach that crestā€.
Feb 28, 2024