I used to host this event in my small east coast university town where i would make a big pot of soup (on sunday) and my friends and their friends would come over with bread, wine, cheese, and desserts and we would all eat soup :). i made a playlist for it too so we would all listen to music, and sometimes play charades (incredibly underrated pastime) it started out with just me and my roommates and then eventually i kept inviting ppl and it became a very popular event! i would even have to make two pots to accommodate all the people but it was so worth it!! at one point i even invited my university professor and her boyfriend and they loved it. there was something really beautiful about it, breaking bread with community every sunday. maybe something catholic about it, but in the nice way and not the scary way. i think it really helped me become the person i am today. if you have the resources and friends (or even roommates) who are willing i highly reccomend it
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Feb 6, 2024

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i have a few events this weekend where i have to bring food and i’m just having fun planning and cooking recipes i think my friends will like and looking forward to when we all get to enjoy it together
Feb 10, 2024
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I threw a dinner party last night and it was so much fun! It’s winter and it’s been pretty bleak, so I thought it be nice to have friends over. This was my first time hosting something completely solo and I thought it would be very stressful but it was smooth sailing and the night was merry and cute! For me this past year has really been about platonically putting myself out there and forging local friendships and last night felt like a cumulation of that effort :-) It wasn’t a super fancy meal, but still, very nice. It’s great to be invited but its also like sometimes you gotta make the magic happen
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You can make your friends cook dinner with you and also have them bring an ingredient each Because maybe you are extremely broke but still want to cook for and with your friends. I know this is a somewhat normal idea but I think it is fun to call it stone souping it or perhaps Tom Sawyering it. Just don’t make something extremely complicated or they might get annoyed and hungry
Jan 7, 2025

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