This is one of the greatest proto-psych rock albums of all time. 1971. Bunch of 1st generation black British dudes from former colonies. Crazy album and crazy story. They disappeared as the album was nearing completion. There was no follow up album, no nothing, they never reappeared. The name of the album comes from the fact that the label decided to put the music out after not being able to find them for a while because it was so good that “We Had To Let You Have It”. I know this because I have an original copy on vinyl and there is a handwritten note printed on a piece of paper inside the sleeve.
The track “Rain” is for my money one of the best songs written in this genre from that era. If they had been a popular band, I think it would be considered a classic.
Also, I dare you to listen to the song “The System” and tell me Lynyrd Skynyrd didn’t lift the main lick of the Free Bird solo from it. Yeah, I said it.