New York is so progressive!
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Feb 8, 2024

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new york pi.fyi posters, lets be friends. lets hang out. lets go to the dog park at tompkins square park and watch the dachshunds try to play with the dobermanns. lets get coffee and talk about things we love. you know where to find me (instagram)
Feb 15, 2024
People don’t public drink in NYC because they’re afraid of tickets. “OH NOOO! I might get a $25 ticket!!!” Bro what? I’d rather pay 25 bucks for drinking a tall boy and people watching at a park then spend $30 on a shitty espresso martini from any number of New York’s sardine can bars. Stella in a Brown bag, people watching, cigarettes, talking with your best buds, and vitamin D.
Today is NYC feral day. The first insanely nice day in late winter/early spring in New York Everyone exits their caves of hibernation and puts on cute little outfits, heads to the park with some sort of beverage; iced coffee, ORANGE wine (has to be orange) or some beers, maybe play some catch, and bask in the joy of the approaching warmth The seratonin is infectious Depression=gone
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Top Recs from @bylivhandmade

you should know/say hi to the people on your commute not just to foster community and be a kind warm welcoming New Yorker (all the real ones are) but also because it will make you a happier person! my local garage boys tell me I’m a princess every day, the weed smoking guy on the stoop with the cool motorcycle tells me when my outfits are slaying, and the deli guy and I vent to one another about our love lives on the reg! we <3 human connection
Feb 29, 2024
Reset days are the key to avoiding burnout as a creative. Don’t think, don’t answer your phone, eat whatever you feel like eating, take a shower in the morning and a bath at 2pm, exist in a robe all day. your creative juices will recharge and you’ll thank yourself later.
Feb 12, 2024