my super is really freestyling the plaster job on my walls and ceiling and it’s gonna be a few-days job. so my hypochondriac ass (scared of Poison Wall Dust) is sleeping on the couch and it feels like a little treat. sleepover vibes !! something old is made new again
a little ipad desk with a cup holder, fluffy pillow and blanket (they match), toy bunny, second/third device, when i muster the energy to get up again i’ll light this scented candle🤒
i’ve been in this position for maybe 16 out of the last 24 hours
truly America’s pastime. I was reading in the park earlier and overheard a girl dishing about a breakup to her friend who was kinda implying she was in the wrong… and she was like “so did I lie? Yes. But I meant it at the time” and then explained to her friend how the NYT connections puzzles work. I only hope people are as thrilled when they listen in on my crazy ass. I love being nosy
really just stretching your whole body so intensely you’re using muscles you didn’t even know you had and squeaking like a little mouse. wiggling like a worm on the sidewalk after it rains when you poke it with your shoe, but a little slower. maybe more snake than worm. but to each their own