as a side effect of my job (and being me): I am chronically online and trying to fix that. this is my new home screen on my iPhone 15 Pro. I installed an app blocker so that when I shift into my custom minimal focus, only the default apps and what is on my home screen function. its only been a few days but this paired with journaling when I’m “bored” instead of endlessly scrolling has already had a positive effect on my mental health. I can still freely browse on my desktop, but my phone is slowly turning into less and less of a dopamine sink and I think I’m gonna stick with it!!
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Feb 8, 2024

Comments (4)

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wow blank spaces is super cool. thanks for the rec
Feb 8, 2024
grahamheydorn you're welcome!! super customizable and i'm really liking it so far so I hope they continue to improve and support the app!!
Feb 8, 2024
Thank you for blank spaces Super helpful rec
Feb 8, 2024
the apps I use for this setup are Blank Spaces and Jomo - you could use Opal for the blocker but Jomo being 1/4th of the price for the same functionality felt like a no brainer
Feb 8, 2024

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have been toying of the idea of switching to a dumb phone for a while but decided i may as well start by seeing what i can do with this phone first. deleted all unnecessary/time-wasting apps, adjusted settings to make phone less stimulating, and while i was at it i redesigned my homescreen to reduce clutter and fit the old tech vibe i’m manifesting for myself!!! was a tedious process but i’m happy with the results, using my phone already feels less overwhelming overall :) (btw if anyone is interested in lobotomizing their phone this is the guide i followed)
Jan 22, 2025
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I’ve converted to a flip phone and it’s honestly so fun lol. I think the way we have access to everything, and everyone, in milliseconds is rotting our brains and making us such an entitled society; entitled to other people’s time and energy on demand, their lives, business, etc. but I also think the way we get sucked in with links from app to app, ads, videos, and doomscrolling, everything is designed to be addictive and it leads (at least for me) to less productivity and more procrastination. I think having to work just a little harder, even to do something as simple as research something, can be good for us. So what I’ve done is essentially converted my iPhone to a wifi connected iPod touch like from the old days. I’ve left on certain apps like FaceTime, banking apps, Spotify, kindle app, I kept this one to use occasionally and all my saved recipes on my phone of course, etc. but I leave it in my room and just use it in the morning or before bed for reading or checking emails, music for working out, stuff like that, and leave it at home for everything else. Screen time of course is way down which is nice, it’s also really nice to not feel like I constantly need to be checking something, opening a message on an app, etc. I also have found so far and think it will continue to help me not spend so much money impulsively on things I don’t actually need. Aside from all of the benefits, I think in general I just find it funny and all of my friends think it’s hilarious lol. I’ll have to figure out what I’ll do for airports, maybe bring the old iPhone with me, connect to airport wifi, scan boarding passes with it. I’ll figure that out when I get there.
Feb 26, 2025
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i have been on a journey to untangle my tasks from my iPhone. i'd be out in the world someplace, pull out my phone for something as menial as checking the time, or as well intentioned as capturing the moment in a pic, and immediately get sucked into texts and instagram™️ and all the virtual things happening in this tiny lil demon light box. the goal: pull my phone out of my bag ONLY for phone things. that's texting, calling, and apps that can't be replaced the solutions so far: 🕰️ i started with a watch (shoutout Casio) and i wear it every day. once I broke the habit of checking my phone for the time, I felt legitimately freed from something Major 📷 I bought a small digital camera to leave in my bag. the pics look better and I don’t get distracted by the virtual world when I'm trying to capture something in the now 📚 I bought a kindle. It fits in my jacket pocket (literally) and gives me something to do when I'm on the train or waiting for an appointment that isn't scrolling I just realized so much of the time I spent on my phone was not intentional. It was a thing I was doing in between Other intentional moments. my screen time is still several hours a day (don’t get me wrong) but I think my brain has healed at least 3%. welcoming other ideas as well💡
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its a fun fact I like to whip out now and then
Feb 26, 2024
I truly lead a different life now because of it
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trust me they won't know what hit them!!
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