I’m no longer 23 – and I haven’t been for a few years now – but this was a genuinely formative experience for me. It changed how I saw my own place in the world and it made me feel less stagnant and less pathetic – the second part of the movie, specifically. I hope every 23-(and 24, 25, 26 …)-year-old finds their own Chungking Express whenever they most need it. (That probably sounds corny, but I'm 100% sincere!)
Feb 8, 2024

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two Chinese-American cab drivers in san francisco’s chinatown go on a quest to find their mysterious friend Chan, who has disappeared with $4000 of their money. I watched this last night not knowing much about it and I really enjoyed it. the plot is pretty loose, it’s kind of a hangout movie. like Clerks if it were about China. I thought it was very funny at some points and very profound at others. the main theme I picked up on is duality. the political strife between the communists and the nationalists. the cultural divide between the north of China and the south of China. the ancient and the modern. the synthesis of being both Chinese and American. even the two protagonists; one is old, the other young. one is idealistic, the other pragmatic. in their search for Chan, they interview many people and every single person gives them information that directly contradicts one another. some say Chan is prideful, others say he is full of shame. some say he is bumbling and clueless, others say he is wise and pensive. some say he is sly and untrustworthy, others say he is upright and honest. all of this is brought to a point in the central motif of the film: gazing into a puddle. that all duality is a reflection of the One. I’m not going to spoil the ending but I thought this was a very fun and very interesting movie :))
Feb 5, 2025
brought me right back to 2008. izaac wang is great. joan chen is mother and made me cry every scene she was in. the original score is clever and beautiful. how to be cool, how to skate, how to talk to girls, how to be yourself, how to find yourself, how to love where and who you come from. objectively a coming-of-age movie that doesn't reinvent the genre but it doesn't have to or should even try to — it believes in its authenticity and story and that pulls you in. tropes are tropes because they hold some level of truth after all. vibewise, think of the sadder, more serious episodes of PEN15. for every asian kid who went out of their way to find where they belong and never quite figured it out. sean wang is a badass and a total babe.
Aug 10, 2024

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You can use it as a dip — or you can eat a bowlful on its own. I love a versatile sauce.
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I saw them at Bonnaroo. I was there for the Aha Shake Heartbreak songs. 🤘
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