apparel-ish? I started an apparel brand called Blood is the new Black when I was 23 (in 2004, i’m 42 now) the brand acted as an arts collective, i’d select several artists every season to add to the brand and would curate their submitted works into collections. distro ranged from beams (jp) colette (fr) selfridges (uk) all the way to pac sun, urban outfitters, zumiez in the states. during the 9 years I had the brand I also published zines, produced artist directed films, curated gallery shows etc. it was part of the indie sleaze era and you’d see folks like tegan and sara, michael pitt, britney spears, allison mosshart wearing the brand. somehow I pivoted to country music along the way and started a brand called midnight rider in 2013. i made licensed repop and vintage feeling tees for musicians and folks like willie nelson, townes van zandt, nudies rodeo tailors, john wayne, the judds, waylon jennings, zz top and so many others. I sold that brand last year! now I do licensing and merchandise for waylon jennings (so if you see waylon merch or collabs i’m the one behind it). I also spend my free time taking photos and i’m currently working on a book about grand national owners. id love to mentor folks who have or are starting their own businesses because i’ve learned a lot in the process both good and bad.
Feb 9, 2024

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