Try to forget you’ve ever heard them before, and then get super-obsessed with these albums in this order: Beggars Banquet, Let It Bleed, Sticky Fingers, Exile on Main Street
Listen to the greatest rockband of all time iterate on their perfect sound! Each of these albums is an all timer and a great deep-listen marathon. Get stoned with your lover and lie on the floor listening to robert plant sing about lord of the rings and how much he is in love
Pavement? Great records! the Rolling Stones? They whip! The Misfits? Completely singular! The Cure? What a band!
Don’t have to love them all but please approach with open hearts and ears.
You can see action movies at home and you're fine. But to truly appreciate a movie with any nuance or subtlety, you must see it in a darkened, under-attended theater so you can hold your thoughts and keep your phone in your pocket and surrender yourself to the vision