if your attention span isn’t up to the task just watch like 45 minutes and come back to it later or on another day. if you’re watching some long, slow art movie in bed on your laptop you are already not experiencing it the way that was intended, so don’t feel bad about needing to stop and do something else for a bit. those kinds of movies were made to be seen in big dark rooms where it’s socially unacceptable to look at your phone. it’s better to watch something interesting and challenging that’s been on your list for ages in pieces than to always default to watching something mindless because you don’t feel up to it.
Feb 9, 2024

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this is how people read books, no? I've started doing this and I am much more likely to watch longer films than I might've been. Just find a good stopping place and pick it back up later. Most movies have a three act structure, just stop after you've completed one, it's like finishing a chapter and putting the book down.
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i think about this a lot specifically where film is concerned because that's the medium that most resonates with me but i think it could apply to any type of art. consider those "top four favorites" letterboxd videos - every time someone lists a bunch of old or foreign movies, tons of the comments accuse that person of being sooo pretentious, and then whoever picks legally blonde or something gets lauded for being "so real" and "actually honest with their answer". like hello?? you're following letterboxd on social media, watching a video of accomplished filmmakers and artists passionate about their field list their favorite movies, and turn on them when they pick the night of the hunter instead of star wars?? i used to regularly listen to students in film classes with me complain about all the old and "weird" movies we had to watch. i have met tons of people who want nothing more than to make movies or otherwise pursue art yet regularly write things off as too weird, too long, too old, too hard to understand. what is the point of engaging with art then if you refuse to try and understand it when it's hard, don't look back to the older influences of modern art you enjoy, don't want to step outside of what you know and find comfort in? even if someone's watching all these movies with the goal of having big letterboxd numbers or falsely looking knowledgable about film, at least they're thoroughly engaging with the medium instead of watching nothing but american classics and writing off the rest.
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