I’m reading the shards by brett easton ellis and I love how specific he gets when describing his days. The exact restaurants they visited, the music they were listening to, the street names. I don’t recognize LA but it makes you feel like you were there.
LA getting you down? because its Too Boring? Escape into this provocative - bordering-smut novel
that takes place in more exciting, drug fueled times. It’s called ’The Shards’ and I read it earlier this summer and could not put it down. Like most of Ellis’ writing, it’s got well dressed preppy hot people and cocaine and serial killers. After reading ’The Shards’, I’ve been very visually inspired by 1980s LA 🎥🎥🎥
By all means defining and also a perfectly strange starter for his work, THE SHARDS is a quasi-prequel to LESS THAN ZERO, and while it may take place in the 80s, feels like a perfect, ambivalent exploration of violence in our time.
Changed my views on how people consume forms of media and how context is key to every single interaction ever formed. It threads a certain needle between obscure behind the scenes relationships and what the public sees.
obviously not in a creepy way but once you start doing this you’ll actually recognize the same people if you’re in a walking neighborhood and it starts to really feel like a village!
Love recognizing an old coworker, your local tailor, or just nodding at your barista on the street :)